the first cruise liner of the Summer


When I looked out from the apartment this morning this was the view. Over the trees of Kastellet what looked distinctly like a cruise ship at the Langelinie Quay. The first that I’ve seen this year. 

Wasn’t it Aristotle who said that one cruise ship does not a Summer make? … so I wandered over that way later in the day to find in fact two liners, all the cherry blossom out and swarms of tourists taking groupies at the Little Mermaid. Summer really must be here.



If you don’t know Copenhagen and are not sure where the statue of the Little Mermaid is then you can see all the crowds on the left of the view. The Little Mermaid is hidden by the column … someone told me that you can’t publish images of the statue without permission so I’m not taking any chances.

When I got to the quay I came across this slightly odd scene. One of the crew out with some white paint and a paint roller. Surely someone should have given him either a larger roller or a smaller ship to paint. I was a bit curious to know how he was going to do the other side but got bored waiting for him to get that far.



this was also posted on Copenhagen By Design